v0.973: Shopper's Paradise... and Halloween Sale

It's time for a new GearHead Caramel update! This time, the shopping interface has been completely overhauled. You can switch to different lancemates and access your inventory without leaving the shop. Also, there are a bunch of new personal scale items for sale and you can load up on spare ammo clips before heading to the dungeon. In addition several bugs have been fixed and the dialogue generator has been improved. As usual, try it out and let me know what you think.

* You can now access your inventory from the shop interface
* You can now switch characters in shop interface
* Added named boss monsters
* Room deploy method should not delete contents due to lack of space
* Can now reload guns and chemthrowers from the backpack interface
* Added SelectGearDataGatherer interface
* Guns and ChemThrowers have a reload option in combat if player has appropriate ammo in inventory
* Caption AnimObs may now have sound effects
* Invocations may now request additional data
* Can now purchase spare ammo clips and chem tanks in shops
* Refactored the shopping UI to use WidgetMenu
* Added WidgetMenu widget type
* Meat cannot be eaten in the middle of combat
* Added on_enter, on_leave properties for all widgets
* Fixed some errors in the [CHALLENGE] grammar tag
* Fixed blocking counter bug
* Fixed overlapping rooms bug
* Fixed some issues with Python 3.12
* Dialogue replies should more closely match context


gearhead-caramel-linux-64.zip 306 MB
Version 43 Nov 03, 2024
gearhead-caramel-windows.zip 294 MB
Version 46 Nov 03, 2024
gearhead-caramel-macos.zip 295 MB
Version 43 Nov 03, 2024

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